Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE)

Seniors living in rent-regulated apartments, Mitchell-Lama or limited dividend company buildings (such as Penn South or Amalgamated Houses), and apartments regulated by the loft board are eligible to have their rent frozen if:

  • the head of household is 62 or older
  • the household income is $27,000 (for the 2006 tax year IF YOU ARE APPLYING ON JULY 1, 2007 OR LATER, or $26,000 if you are applying before 7/1/07) or less (including boarders contribution to rent, not their incomes)
  • the rent is 1/3 of income or an upcoming rent increase will bump the rent over that mark

The program is administered by the New York City Department for the Aging.  To apply, get the application from the Dept for the Aging by going to the agency (2 Lafayette Street in lower Manhattan), calling the city’s central information number 311; going to your local senior center or the agency’s website.  While on the website, you can also find your local senior center, use the agency’s “quick check” to find out if you are eligible for SCRIE or other benefits, and find information about other housing resources for seniors.

Disability Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE) Program: New program implemented in 2005, similar to SCRIE, in that qualified disabled persons living in certain types of rent regulated housing are exempt from paying future rent increases. Program details available in this pdf document and from the NYC Dept. of Finance website.

Source: Met Council and Rent Guidelines Board

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